I Love Professional Wrestling

This is beautiful and totally relatable. šŸ˜€

Thank you Paul. šŸ™‚

The Captain's Speech

I have been a fan of professional wrestling for the last fourteen years. I donā€™t really talk about, nor doĀ I makeĀ it known that it is a passion of mine. Iā€™m not embarrassed about it, itā€™s just something that doesnā€™tĀ come up. That changes today. Iā€™m tired of keepingĀ this to myself.

When I was a kid in the 90s, my grandparents would come over and my grandfather would stand atĀ front door and tell stories. One thing he always talked about was wrestling.

I had no clue what he was talking about at the time, but tried to keep up with my head nods. He would tell me what a guy named ā€œStone Coldā€ was doing, or what a rock was doing to three Hā€™s.

It took me awhile to understand thatĀ there were wrestlers named The Rock and Triple H.

But even with his entertaining stories, I never thought to watch wrestling. Iā€¦

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